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Privacy Policy

        Data holder is Promo Digital-Dávid Ilona E.V. (1077 Budapest, Izabella utca, 3/A), Registration number: 55326483, Tax number: 56656707-1-43

        I, the undersigned, Promo Digital -Dávid Ilona E.V. (1077 Budapest, Izabella utca, 3/A), Registration number: 55326483, as data controller: declare the following:


        The purpose of the processing is to send you information, offers, newsletters, newsletters about the activities, services and events of Lifelontraveller/Dávid Ilona, according to your choice, by e-mail, postal mail or by voice telephone call.


        The purpose of the processing is to send you information, offers, newsletters, newsletters about the activities, services and events of Lifelongtraveller/Dávid Ilona, according to your choice, by e-mail, postal mail or by voice telephone call. Legal basis for processing: your consent to be contacted directly or to send messages, which you are free to withdraw at any time, even for specific communication channels; the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.


        Only Ilona Dávid and Promo Digital staff have access to your data.


        Subscription, new letter

 , Francois Boulevard, 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94158, and Luxembourg S.a.r.l, 5, rue Guillaume Kroll, L-1882 Luxembourg, provide privacy protection for the services provided by the wix website www. in its Privacy Policy. These may include services that involve communication via the website, such as email marketing, or dialogue with the end user (website visitor, website registered member) through website and phone applications (Wix app), assuming identification of the end user. The owner of the platform has developed the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework for the processing of personal data to comply with the European GDPR and, separately for Switzerland, the Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework policies, which have been found DGPR compliant and approved by the U.S. Department of Commerce.


        Online payment


        The platform, founded in 2006, based in Tel Aviv, Israel, customer service: 00 1 415-639-9034 operates applications and payment gateways under security conditions verified by the PCI Security Standards Council and is a Class 1 certified data security operator in accordance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). The Wix Platform owner regularly organizes internal audits to maintain ISO/PCI security certifications.




        You can set your preferences if you would like to receive information and enquiries from Ilona David/ by ticking the boxes in the subscription form along the website. (the information marked with * is required to contact you directly):


The website’s Terms an Condition of using the site document contains the terms and conditions under which you may use When using the Website, you must accept the terms of this Privacy Policy and the Website Terms of Use. The Website Terms of Use form an integral part of this Privacy Policy.

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